September, Vincentian Month

Javier F. Chento
September 1, 2018

September, Vincentian Month

by | Sep 1, 2018 | News, Social, Social Media

The Congregation of the Mission has proposed an interesting initiative to make visible the Vincentian charism in all social networks, during this month of September, in which the Vincentian family celebrates important memories, with the celebration of several saints and blessed of the Vincentian Family, among them, Louis Joseph Francois, CM and fellow martyrs (September 2), Frederic Ozanam (September 9) or Vincent de Paul himself (September 27). But in this month we can also celebrate the date of the birth of Sr. Rosalie Rendu (September 9), the canonization of Elizabeth Seton (September 14), or the anniversary of ordination of Vincent de Paul (September 23).

Thus, we are asked to use the hashtag #vincentianmonth in every publication on social networks dedicated to Saint Vincent, to the charism or to the Vincentian Family. In this way, we will give visibility to the charism in the network and we will be able to find the news and the information that concerns us, much more easily.

List of hashtags used during this month of September, in six languages:

Vincentian month (materials and news during the month of September)

English #VincentianMonth #VincentianMonth
Español #MesVicentino o #MesVicenciano #MesVicentino o #MesVicenciano
Française #MoisMincentien #MoisVincentien
Polski #MiesiącWincentyński #MiesiącWincentyński
Português #MesVicentino #MesVicentino
Italiano #MeseVincenziano #MeseVincenziano

Trivia about Vincent de Paul (texts about Vincent de Paul published daily)

English #DidYouKnow #DidYouKnow
Español #SabíasQue #SabíasQue
Française #SaviezVous #SaviezVous
Polski #CzyWiecie #CzyWiecie
Português #SabiaQue #SabiaQue
Italiano #SapeviChe #SapeviChe



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