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THINK ABOUT: Instagram as a “web site”

Leave it to Ikea to do something simple but innovative. With the help of an ad agency, the Russian division of Ikea launched its new PS 2014 collection using Instagram as a website. If you followe ikea_ps_2014 on your Instagram app, you’ll see 12 images— 6 of which...

Communications “heroes” — some saints, some not!

Communications people: celebrate all saints day! Why All Saints? The whole idea of All Saints’ Day is something I find great comfort in because it’s a reminder that we’re not blazing new ground. We’re not the first ones to struggle. We’re not the first ones trying to...

Generation “Z”

"Generation what?" say the entrepreneurs at mobileserve. It’s true – there’s a new generation coming of age. Just as you got your Family branch up to speed to cater to everything Millennial, the first Generation Z-ers are about to graduate from college and bring with...

Implementing a Mobile Strategy

Implementing a mobile strategy is no longer an option for Vincentian Family brnaches, because in less than a year more of your supporters will visit your website from a mobile device than from their desktop computer. Maybe more are only connecting from their phones...
A Vincentian Telegram

A Vincentian Telegram

Back in February, we shared, Telegram is a free communication tool available for most electronic devices and platforms, including Android & Apple tablets and smartphones, and also PC, Mac and Linux desktop operating systems. Wouldn't you like to be part of a...

Facebook Live

Facebook Live

Those of you who followed the General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission on Facebook probably noticed .famvin's Toma Zielinski making use of Facebook Live. Here are a two notes to help you find out about how this Facebook feature can help you in your...