
Chronicle of the 43rd General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission, July 7

The delegates met in linguistic groups and dialogued about the following question: In the context of this General Assembly which seeks to establish priorities for the next six years, what are these dreams of the younger confreres telling us?

The Pope Video • For The Elderly

“The Pope Video” series continues! Watch the latest 2-minute installment: For the Elderly.

Chronicle of the 43rd General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission, July 6

We gathered in the Merry del Val Assembly Hall and prayed that the Holy Spirit might guide our work and enlighten us. A video about the 13 Houses Campaign was then presented to the delegates. The minutes from the previous day were read by Corpus DELGADO and approved....

Let’s Establish Relationships: Youth in the City of Como (Italy) Encounter Marginality

“Legami” [Italian for “Ties”] is a group on the move in the city of Como (Italy) which was organized to create opportunities for encounter and dialogue between people living on the peripheries and young men and women.