
Taking In (Nehemiah 8; I Corinthians 12; Luke 4: 18-21)

“Taking in the news.” It can refer to events both good and bad, taking in the news of a baby’s birth, for instance, or at the other end, receiving word of a loved one’s passing.

My Favorite Image of God

As I look back over my life I realize how, over time, my relationship to God has emphasized one or another person of the Trinity.

Lover of Sinners and Outcast

Jesus is a lover of those whom religion and society shun:  sinners, widows, orphans and strangers.  They are dear to true Christians too. It seems the leaving out of “vengeance,” when Jesus read Is 61, 1-2, did not bother his fellow Nazareth citizens.  For they still...

Vincentian Prayer Images: One of the Great Saints of History XVII

“…make up your mind to unite spiritual assistance to the corporal service you render.”

Vincent Was a Life-Long Learner

Vincent Was a Life-Long Learner

Vincent was a life-long learner.  Vincent didn’t just happen. Vincent spent his lifetime waking up to the demands of the Gospel and the needs of those who were poor. I am reminded of the monk Bede Griffiths, a life-long learner, who said in the 81st year of his life...

Embrace What God is Doing

Embrace What God is Doing

Embrace What God is Doing (Rom 5:1-2) To appreciate the revolutionary thrust of Paul’s message, I think of the story of a young man whose inner voice kept repeating, “You’re not good enough.” Responding to this, he felt he had to keep demonstrating that he had...