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Congregation of the Mission

Living Lent in the “School of the Poor”

“Vincentian Lent” invites us to an inner journey of questions and reflections, placing humility and the preferential option for the poor at the center.

Challenges of the Congregation of the Mission for a Promising Future

A reflection by Fr. Jean Rolex, C.M. on the challenges of the Congregation of the Mission for a promising future.

Congregation of the Mission celebrate and reconnect with their founder’s heritage

“From the beginning, Vincent de Paul linked the birth of the Congregation of the Mission to the feast of 25 January, the solemnity marking the conversion of St. Paul…” – Fr. Jean Rolex, CM, in an article on

To the Members of the Congregation of the Mission, As Their 400th Anniversary Approaches

Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, C.M. announces a time of preparation for the 400th Anniversary of the Congregation of the Mission in 2025.

CM Superior General greetings to the Holy Father on the Occasion of the July 14 Papal Audience

Address of the Holy Father to Participants in the General Chapters of the Congregation of the Mission and Other Religious Orders

Pope Francis underlines the importance of evangelization, saying that it should be oriented towards witnessing and proclaiming the Gospel, in his address to the members of the Order of the Mother of God, the Basilian Order of St. Josaphat and the Congregation of the Mission as they hold their General Chapters.