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Congregation of the Mission

Centenary Celebration of CM’s Presence in India and the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul at Janampet, Eluru

The feast of St. Vincent de Paul, the Founder of the Congregation of the Mission (Vincentian Priests and Brothers) was solemnly celebrated on September 27th, (5.30 pm, at the Vincentian College, Janampet, Eluru).

St. Vincent and the Congregation of the Mission 1625-1660

In Vincent’s time, the poor were largely neglected, illiterate, and spiritually ignorant. The clergy were sadly inadequate. St. Vincent founded the Congregation of the Mission to preach to the country poor and to help reform the clergy.

“Renewal of Vincentian Spirituality” Part 6

This is the sixth and final part of a series of presentations based on the article The Revitalization of Vincentian Spirituality, by John P. Prager, CM.   Download PPT...

Life of Felix DeAndreis, C.M.

A brief life of Father Felix deAndreis, C.M. (Slide presentation)