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Association of the Miraculous Medal

Feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (Video)

Short video “Mary is the Bridge” celebrating the 190th Anniversary of the Miraculous Medal (1830-2020).

The Message of the Miraculous Medal: “Come to the altar”… Live the Eucharist!

A reflection on how Mary motivates us to encounter her Son in the Eucharist and then, filled with God’s grace, to go out and act concretely.

When You Turn the Miraculous Medal Over…

The front of the medal already proclaims the omnipotent power of Mary…BUT TURN THE MEDAL OVER, and the power of all of Salvation is made present.

Virtual Pilgrimage of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (El Salvador) During the Pandemic

This year, Our Lady visited everyone virtually, using different social media and networks.