Vincentian Family Office

Launching the Compassionate Hearts, Generous Hands Campaign

The “Compassionate Hearts, Generous Hands Campaign” is a campaign focused on helping individuals find their inner light and providing them with an outlet to shine their light upon the lives of others – near and far.

Opening Mass of the General Assembly 2022 of the Congregation of the Mission

On June 27, the XLIII General Assembly of the Congregation of the Mission will be held in Rome.

A Calm Port During a Time of War

We have received this wonderful information from the Community of the Daughters of Charity in San Salvario in Turin. They wish to share with the worldwide Vincentian Family their lived experience of hospitality as they welcomed Ukrainian refugees. In 2022 a new era...

Origins of the “Angel of Love Foundation” (Costa Rica)

To remember is to live anew ... it is to look at the great Mercy of God towards us and to come to an understanding of the fact that Divine Providence has not abandoned us. We share a documentary about the beginnings of the "Angel of Love Foundation" in Costa Rica, a...