Vincentian Family Office

The Cry of Street Children across the World: How the Vincentian Family is Responding

Poverty affects everyone including children, in fact, they are more than twice as likely to live in poverty than adults.

Materials for a Vincentian Charism Retreat

On the occasion of the feast of Pentecost 2023, an international team from different branches of the Vincentian Family have published a guide for a personal retreat that can be done over the course of five days.

Protecting Children’s Rights in the Netherlands

According to recent figures published by Statistics Netherlands (CBS)[1], 209,000 children in the Netherlands are living at risk of poverty, with their parents earning a salary below the national low-income threshold.

Announcement of the First Vincentian Meeting in Miami, June 30-July 2, 2023

“Walking together with Mary and Saint Vincent” is the theme of the upcoming international meeting of the branches of the Vincentian Family open to all vincentians, friends, benefactors, and anyone else interested, which will take place in Miami from June 30 to July 2, 2023.

Interview with Father Vitaliy Novak, CM

Interview with Father Vitaliy Novak, CM

Fr. Vitaliy, a missionary of the Congregation of the Mission in Ukraine, is also president of the Board of Depaul Ukraine, an organization that is part of the worldwide Vincentian Family, which is doing important work helping those affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.