Javier F. Chento
The Link that Binds Two Hearts • Tales of the Miraculous Virgin
In a month, the Vincentian Family will greet the Virgin with special affection in its invocation of "Miraculous." Surely this month many reflections will be published online, on her history, present, etc. But today we invite you to do...
Jeanne’s Story • Daughters of Charity International Project Services
The Sisters in Madagascar shared Jeanne's Story - a story about a girl among the children who are mentally disabled and are accommodated at the St. Vincent DePaul Special Education Center in Manakara, Madagascar. Jeanne is a girl removed from her family. In fact, we...
Nutrition – Vital to Effective HIV/AIDS Treatment
For AIDS patients in sub-Saharan Africa there is a vicious cycle of immune deficiency, onset of infectious diseases and co-infections, and malnutrition. The result is increased illness, suffering and even death. The DREAM Center (treating HIV/AIDS patients) in remote...
Louise de Marillac: The need for Respect, Understanding and Tolerance
“I can no longer hide the sorrow of my heart at hearing that much is to be desired in you. [...] Where is the spirit of fervor which animated you when you were first established in Angers and which led you to esteem your directors so highly? You looked upon their...
Report: Devastation of Hurricane Matthew in Haiti
We have received a report on the devastation of Hurricane Mathew in Haiti, written by Sister Zelinda Caversan, Daughter of Charity and director of the Vincentian School "John Paul II," in the capital of the country, Port au Prince. According to Sister Zelinda, the...
Accountable Brothers – Good Stewardship in CMM
From October 9-21, 2016, the General Board of Brothers CMM organizes an international meeting with the motto: Accountable Brothers – Good Stewardship in CMM. The meeting is taking place in the CMM Retreat Centre ZIN in Vught (the Netherlands). Goal The participants...
Vincent de Paul: From God’s gaze
"I ask Our Lord to grant us the grace of considering those matters as they are in God and not as they appear apart from Him; otherwise we might deceive ourselves and act other than He wishes." (CCD VII, to Phillippe Le Vacher, December 6, 1658). "O my Savior and my...
Louise de Marillac: Meeting the Needs of Migrants and Refugees
My very dear Sister. I was sure that the goodness of your heart would cause you and, I believe, all our dear sisters who are far away to be disturbed because you are afraid that we are suffering greatly. Let us praise God, my dear Sisters, that to this point we have...
Pope Francis Celebrates the Feast of St. Vincent de Paul with the Vincentian Family
Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, C.M., Superior General, participated in the Eucharist Pope Francis celebrated in the chapel at the House of Santa Marta, Vatican, on the Feast of Saint Vincent de Paul, September 27, 2016. On the homily of Pope Francis for that day, L'Osservatore...
Message from the Superior General, Tomaž Mavrič, CM, on the feast of St. Vincent de Paul
"Vincent de Paul: A Mystic of Charity": this is the theme that Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, CM, proposes for next September 27, feast of St. Vincent de Paul, in a letter addressed to all the Vincentian Family. After the text you will find links to download this letter in several...