Nutrition – Vital to Effective HIV/AIDS Treatment
For AIDS patients in sub-Saharan Africa there is a vicious cycle of immune deficiency, onset of infectious diseases and co-infections, and malnutrition. The result is increased illness, suffering and even death.
The DREAM Center (treating HIV/AIDS patients) in remote Mbandaka, Democratic Republic of Congo serves more than 1,000 clients. Integrated in all DREAM Centers, a dedicated nutritional therapy program accompanies highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) for best patient outcomes.
Unfortunately having sufficient food is an ongoing challenge. With contributions from donors and foundations financial support has been sent to help with the nutritional needs of AIDS patients at the seven Daughters of Charity DREAM programs in sub-Saharan Africa. A Sister in Congo expresses her gratitude:
We thank you with all of our hearts – to you and your collaborators- for this precious service. It is not easy to purchase and distribute food due to local and financial difficulties. For nutrition, we have adapted to the seasons to include eggs, fruits and chenilles. In September and October, our usual food assistance was missing, so the aid from donors has helped to resolve that famine crisis.
I share a great sense of gratitude from all of the working team and the patients at the DREAM Center.
United in faith and joy of service,
A Daughter of Charity working at the DREAM Center in Congo
Source: Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul International Projects Services website.