.famvin TEAM
Vincentian Studies Institute Acquires Four Page Manuscript Seton Family Letter
The Vincentian Studies Institute of the United States located at DePaul University in Chicago, Illinois, is happy to announce the acquisition of a four-page manuscript Seton family letter. The handwritten letter is dated May 18, 1816. It is addressed to William Seton...
A Canadian View: Indigenous Peoples in Canada
Indigenous peoples in Canada include aboriginal First nations peoples living on reserve and in urban locations as well as Inuit, and Metis. The history of relations between Indigenous people and Canadian governments and churches is not a good one, with most actions...
Called to Love: Policy and Advocacy
Charity is not charity unless accompanied by justice. --St. Vincent de Paul Seeking lasting justice and peace in our world are goals of the United Nations and the Church. The good that can result from their shared efforts is evident in this month of Mary, Queen...
VLM/VMC Impact: Generation by Generation
We will be sharing a series of reflections made by Vincentian Lay Missionaries and Vincentian Mission Corps participants about their experience serving, how it has impacted their lives and how they continue to live the Vincentian Charism today. I was first...
A Canadian View: Engage – Encourage – Enable
In my previous article I mentioned the fact that the Society in Canada, and perhaps other countries, has seen the home visit become more of a delivery service, with little time spent on visiting our neighbours in need. In addition, we have some conferences that no...
Continued Vincentian Response to the Airstrikes on Syria
In his article, Violence begets violence, Catholic sisters say, about airstrikes on Syria, Chris Herlinger of the Global Sisters Report interviewed Sr. Margaret O'Dwyer, one of two DC representatives at the United Nations, regarding the airstrikes on Syria: "We have...
Society of St. Vincent de Paul: “Mission Possible!”
As we approach the anniversary of the founding of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (April 23), may its membership be filled with zeal in carrying out God’s mandate to care for His people in need!
A Young Person’s Experience of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
A Young Person’s Experience of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) Please let me introduce to you Jenny Raw, from the United Kingdom, who worked at our Daughters of Charity NGO Office in New York for one month. We were truly pleased to have her with us and...
A Canadian View: The Home Visit as Systemic Change
When the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul began in 1833, the first action undertaken by Frederic Ozanam and his fellow Vincentians was the home visit to those living in poverty. The notion of going out in pairs is one that few in any other organizations attempt and...
Annual Letter – VMY International President
Dearest friends of the VMY, “Here I am!” Receive a warm greeting from the members of the International Team of the Vincentian Marian Youth! During the past year, the VMY has joined the call of the International Vincentian Family in the celebration of the 400th...