Would We Listen If Cathedrals Could Speak?

Westminster Abbey began as a Benedictine monastery in 960 AD. The Abbey is rich in history and could tell many stories.

Appreciating St. Vincent’s Writings (Presentation)

On this Feast Day we encourage you to start or continue reading St. Vincent’s correspondence often, to be spiritually fed and supported by his guidance.

St. Vincent de Paul and Mother Seton: A Match Made in Heaven

St. Vincent de Paul and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton weren’t holy card or fairy-tale figures, but flesh and blood human beings who struggled with earthly dreams.

Advocacy in the Lives and Works of Saint Vincent de Paul and Saint Louise de Marillac #famvin2024

Two significant figures in the history of Christian advocacy are Saint Vincent de Paul and Saint Louise de Marillac. These saints are known for their tireless work among the poor, sick, and marginalized in 17th-century France.

A Vincentian View: What Must Be Done?

Each year, St. John’s University celebrates Founder’s Week.  From September 20-27, the days point the University towards St. Vincent and our charism, and they conclude with the great Solemnity on the 27th. 

Do you know poor people? Christ?

Do you know poor people? Christ?

"The great tragedy of the church is not that rich Christians do not care about the poor but that rich Christians do not know the poor." — Shane Claiborne Paraphrasing Roman 10:14 How can we encounter Christ in the poor if we do not know them? Vincent certainly...

Anchor of salvation

Sixth Sunday of Easter (A), May 25, 2014 – Acts 8, 5-8. 14-17; 1 Pt 3, 15-18; Jn 14, 15-21 Ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope (1 Pt 3, 15) Jesus does not leave his own orphans, defenseless. In imitation of the Master, the...

“Eyes on the prize”

Fifth Sunday of Easter (A), May 18, 2014 – Acts 6, 1-7; 1 Pt 2, 4-9; Jn 14, 1-12 To offer spiritual sacrifices (1 Pt 2, 5) The supper Jesus has eagerly desired to eat with his own before his passion is a pledge of fellowship there where Master and disciples will share...

Go Out To All The World

Just as the members of the early Church were called to bring 'The Way' to all peoples of the day, so are we called to bring Christ into our world today.  This  pre-Pentecost theme will be the last submission of the series of reflections on The Gospel Of Joy that ran...

No To An Economy Of Exclusion

No To An Economy Of Exclusion

 No To An Economy Of Exclusion - A visual meditation on Pope Francis and Joy of the Gospel. As we stand in the middle of the Easter season between Palm Sunday and Pentecost, are we allowing ourselves to be changed by the miraculous events of the risen Jesus?  Are not...

180-degree turn, not 360

Fourth Sunday of Easter (A), May 11, 2014 – Acts 2, 14a. 36-41; 1 Pt 2, 20b-25; Jn 10, 1-10 You have now returned to the shepherd and guardian of your souls (1 Pt 2, 25) There is no salvation outside Jesus. He is the only gate through which we humans enter to abide...

Infinite sadness, infinite love

Infinite sadness, infinite love

Pope Frances states that: "A true missionary, who never ceases to be a disciple, knows that Jesus walks with him, speaks to him, breathes with him, works with him." In this post-resurrection period, can we, like the disciples of Emmaus have our infinite sadness cured...