Would We Listen If Cathedrals Could Speak?

Westminster Abbey began as a Benedictine monastery in 960 AD. The Abbey is rich in history and could tell many stories.

Appreciating St. Vincent’s Writings (Presentation)

On this Feast Day we encourage you to start or continue reading St. Vincent’s correspondence often, to be spiritually fed and supported by his guidance.

St. Vincent de Paul and Mother Seton: A Match Made in Heaven

St. Vincent de Paul and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton weren’t holy card or fairy-tale figures, but flesh and blood human beings who struggled with earthly dreams.

Advocacy in the Lives and Works of Saint Vincent de Paul and Saint Louise de Marillac #famvin2024

Two significant figures in the history of Christian advocacy are Saint Vincent de Paul and Saint Louise de Marillac. These saints are known for their tireless work among the poor, sick, and marginalized in 17th-century France.

A Vincentian View: What Must Be Done?

Each year, St. John’s University celebrates Founder’s Week.  From September 20-27, the days point the University towards St. Vincent and our charism, and they conclude with the great Solemnity on the 27th. 

Open secret

The Most Holy Trinity (A), June 15, 2014 – Ex 34, 4b-6. 8-9; 2 Cor 13, 11-13; Jn 3, 16-18 God of love and peace (2 Cor 13, 11) It is not good for a human being to be alone. But since a person can end up badly accompanied, it is beneficial for us to return, at Jesus’...

Expiration means end?

Pentecost Sunday (A), June 8, 2014 – Acts 2, 1-11; 1 Cor 3b-7. 12-13; Jn 20, 19-23 To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good (1 Cor 12, 7) Jesus breathes his Spirit on his disciples so that they may live in communion with one...

Shadow side of the Vincentian Charism

Shadow side of the Vincentian Charism

The "shadow side" refers to an area where little light falls. It is often used to refer to aspects of ourselves which we often are not aware of or reflect on. Fr. John Prager, CM on the difficulties many serving those who live on the margins face but rarely reflect...

Grace in defeat, generosity in victory

The Ascension of the Lord (A), June 1, 2014 – Acts 1, 1-11; Eph 1, 17-23; Mt 28, 16-20 The riches of glory in his inheritance (Eph 1, 18) Jesus has lived doing good. Now that his hour is at hand, he makes it clear that his reason for passing from this world to the...