The Life of St. Vincent de Paul: By the Children of St Vincent’s Primary School
Watch as the children of Year 5 at St Vincent’s Primary School in London dramatize the life of St. Vincent in this short film.
The Church must always surprise – Pope Francis
Is there any doubt that those in the upper room were surprised by the Spirit? Probably not. So maybe we should not be surprised when Pope Francis writes… “The Church must always surprise”.
Why are Vincentians at UN?
As part of the Vincentian Family at the UN, we were recently challenged to reflect on “Why are Vincentians a presence and actively involved at the United Nations?” Each member of the family is an accredited non-governmental organization (NGO) by the Economic and...
The Reminding Spirit (John, 14)
Recently I was speaking to a woman about a surprising experience she had while going through one of her favorite books-- 20 years after she read it the first time. Expecting it to be repetitious, she was struck by how new so much of it seemed, almost as if she were...
I Can’t Help Every Homeless Person!
Have you ever walked past a homeless person lying on his back on the sidewalk? Did it stir up any mixed feelings? Maria Shriver shares an incident in her life.
Picking out the Followers of Jesus Christ
Obviously, people no longer see us Christians follow Jesus or go with him. He is not with us as he was with Peter and the other disciples, for he has gone up to heaven. But this does not mean that there is no picking us out as followers of Jesus.
Vincentianism Shock
If your Conference is stagnant, look to renew it with new initiatives and ideas. And pray for the sanctification of the Conference and its members.
Video Tour of Rue du Bac Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
On this date in 1905, Pope Pius X established the Association of the Miraculous Medal. Watch a beautiful video from the Chapel of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal in Paris.
Blessed Marta Wiecka, D.C.
May 30 is the feast day of Blessed Marta Wiecka, D.C., a Polish Daughter of Charity who lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.
A Vincentian Brother Reflects on his Life, Ministry, and Community
To give the younger generation a chance to find out what the vocation of a Brother is all about, Brother Martin Schneider, C.M. graciously granted an interview in which he talks about his life, vocation, and ministry.