The Heart of a Leader - Sr. Françoise Petit, DC #Famvin2024

October 16, 2024

The Heart of a Leader – Sr. Françoise Petit, DC #Famvin2024

by | Oct 16, 2024 | Famvin 2024, News | 0 comments

Sr. Françoise Petit, DC, Superioress General of the Daughters of Charity, is hopeful for the future of the Vincentian Family, particularly seeing that young people are asking questions and want to serve.

With her we continue a series of video interviews called “The Heart of a Leader” which will accompany us on our journey to the meeting in November 2024.

“As we dream together, the dream becomes a reality.” – Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, C.M. Register now at



Sister Françoise, could you introduce yourself?

Yes, I am Sister Françoise Petit, Daughter of Charity, and I am responsible for the Company worldwide. We are about 12,000 sisters and we are present in 97 countries on five continents.

Why is it so important for all the members of the Vincentian Family to walk together?

Yes, it really is, it is part of our identity, to serve together, to pray together too, and it has been that way since the time of St. Vincent. St. Vincent founded the Ladies of Charity, and shortly thereafter the Daughters of Charity were founded, and from the beginning we worked together. Over the years, over the centuries, this collaboration has grown and it is very important for service, for effectiveness, but beyond service, to give meaning to this service. Because that is really what unites us, is Christ, and the text of the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 25, is what unites us all.
So collaboration, of course, has to do with service, but in a spirit, in the spirit of the Gospel, and that is very important.

So, in some places the collaboration is more with the International Association of Charities (AIC), in others with the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP). Vincentian Marian Youth (VMY) is yet another example of collaboration; they are present wherever there are Daughters of Charity. There are many initiatives that are taken together. And that gives dynamism, gives impetus for today but also for tomorrow.

Finally, looking to the future, your hopes and also the challenges for the Vincentian Family

There is a lot of hope and even anticipation. We feel that everyone now understands that it is impossible to work in isolation. I think it’s on people’s minds. That is a source of hope, of course. Hope also in seeing younger people, even if they are not very numerous, but there are still many young people, in spite of everything, who ask questions, who want to serve, and who find in a movement, in a family, what they are looking for, which is also fellowship. Fellowship in the Family is a reality whereas fellowship in the world, in society, is a challenge. And we can offer them the opportunity to experience that fraternity, which they also have to build upon. Because, of course, fraternity can never be taken for granted, it has to be built. And that is a great call, a missionary challenge for the young people of today. It is a challenge and also a hope.

Thank you.


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