October: two very Important United Nations dates for the Vincentian Community

October 16, 2024

October: two very Important United Nations dates for the Vincentian Community

by | Oct 16, 2024 | News | 0 comments

October brings us, vincentians, two very important dates established by the United Nations (UN): World Food Day on October 16 and the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on October 17. These dates represent a call to reflection and action in favor of the most vulnerable, reinforcing our mission and vocation to serve the poor with love and solidarity. Considering these special days, we are invited to rethink our Vincentian commitment and to strengthen our efforts in the Conferences and special works we carry out around the world.

The World Food Day was established in 1979 by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to draw global attention to the need to ensure food security and nutrition for all. Celebrated annually on October 16, this date aims to raise awareness about the issue of hunger in the world and to encourage local and global actions to promote adequate and accessible food. With this year’s theme, the FAO highlights the importance of sustainable food systems that can feed the global population without depleting natural resources.

For us, Vincentians, this date is a powerful reminder of our vocation to serve those who suffer the most from a lack of food. In many of our SSVP Conferences around the world, we work tirelessly to provide food baskets, meals, and nutritional support to families in vulnerable situations. The fight against hunger is a daily reality in our mission, and World Food Day inspires us to strengthen these efforts, bringing hope and sustenance to those who need it most.

The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty was proclaimed in 1992 by the UN General Assembly and is celebrated on October 17. This special date aims to highlight the need to eradicate poverty in all its forms and dimensions, as a crucial condition for sustainable development and the guarantee of human dignity. This year’s theme emphasizes the importance of inclusive and fair policies that can help overcome inequalities and build a more equitable society.

This real fight against poverty has been at the heart of the mission of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul since its foundation. Our daily actions are driven by the desire to transform the lives of the most in need, giving them opportunities for a dignified and full life. This date calls us to renew our Vincentian commitment, joining our efforts with global initiatives to create a world where everyone can live with dignity and respect, focusing on concrete actions for education and employment.

The Council General International invites all SSVP Conferences to reflect on the meaning of these two dates in their meetings this week. May World Food Day and the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty serve as motivation to double our efforts to build a fairer, more fraternal, and more supportive world, giving each person the assurance that they are not alone in their struggles. Let us remain steadfast in our mission to serve Christ in the poor, with love, joy, and great generosity.

United Nations Commission
Council General International
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Source: https://www.ssvpglobal.org/



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