Sow with Humility, Trust and Courage
Jesus is, in person, what it means to sow is to harvest and the seed that turns into a tree with large branches, so that birds can dwell in its shade.
In today’s gospel, Jesus says that the kingdom of God is like the one who goes to sow and gets to harvest. That is to say, we can be sure that the kingdom of God will grow and flourish to the full.
Jesus, then, says that it is like a mustard seed. Though very small, it grows into a plant with large branches so that birds can dwell in its shade. Hence, he lets us know that the kingdom of God, small at its start, gets to embrace all.
No, what it turns into does not match at all its beginning. For, yes, the kingdom in question has to do with God. Due to him, it has within it, then, a power that goes beyond its limited beginning. Such power changes also, transforms, turns upside down things us as they are and the way we are and act.
And before this power, the only stance left for us to take is that of humility, trust and courage. We should be humble, for though we plant or water, God alone makes what we plant or water to grow. He brings low the high tree and lifts high the lowly tree.
But to admit that we are small is why we should trust God (SV.EN III:143). And we know that, by God’s grace, to be weak means to be strong. Are we cowards, then, not brave, by the same grace?
So, then, God gives us the strength to sow small seeds. And in this way, too, we will learn again to value small things and small gestures (see also SV.EN X:268). And we should start with those who are closest to us, those around us, those who come before us.
Lord Jesus, grant that we stay faithful in small things so that you may place us over big things (SV.EN XI:346-349). And make the small things, the small gestures, we sow prepare us for the big work, the big gesture: to give up our bodies and shed our blood.
16 June 2024
11th Sunday in O.T. (B)
Ez 17, 22-24; 2 Cor 5, 6-10; Mk 4, 26-34