Stitching Together a Future for Girls in Rural Bihar (India)

August 5, 2023

Stitching Together a Future for Girls in Rural Bihar (India)

by | Aug 5, 2023 | News

Just 40 kilometers from the hustle and bustle of Patna, on the tranquil banks of the Ganges River, there exists a seemingly unremarkable village. However, a closer look reveals a remarkable story of transformation brought about by Sister Sangeeta Bara and the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth.

Sister Sangeeta Bara

For many young women here, traditional education is a luxury beyond their reach, their lives instead consumed by the relentless pursuit of daily survival. But Sister Sangeeta believes in a different fate for them. Through her faith and vocation, he offers these women a lifeline: a tailoring program that equips them with valuable skills, confidence, and an opportunity for a brighter future.

Through this program, girls from disadvantaged backgrounds learn how to stitch bags and dresses, allowing them to earn a living and offer their families a glimmer of hope. They are tireless and dedicated, transforming the rhythm of their sewing machines into a symphony of empowerment.

One such girl is Soni, a determined young woman who recently sold a blouse she made to a customer in a neighboring village. It was just a single garment, but it represented so much more: it embodied her newfound self-belief, independence, and a step towards economic self-sufficiency.

“I am just a beginner,” Soni says, her face lighting up at the prospect of what her future could hold. “But I have big dreams.”

This tailoring program is an example of social work at its most impactful. It was borne out of Sister Sangeeta’s belief in the power of equipping individuals with skills that not only empower them but also transform their communities.

“There is such joy in witnessing the journey of these young women,” Sister Sangeeta said. “Their courage, their determination… it is humbling. The opportunity to walk with them through their struggles and triumphs is my life’s greatest privilege.”

The program, which was on hiatus for a period, is now expanding beyond tailoring. It’s becoming a broader educational initiative for children needing remedial studies, preparing them for enrollment into government schools.

What’s happening here on the banks of the Ganges isn’t just the teaching of a trade. It’s about bestowing upon these girls a sense of self-worth and empowerment. It’s about providing them with opportunities to break away from the cycle of poverty. It’s about creating ripples of change that can transform not just individuals but entire communities.

“Wherever the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth might be able to help these girls,” Sister Sangeeta said, “I want to be a part of that.”

The story of Sister Sangeeta, Soni, and the countless girls whose lives are being reshaped here isn’t just about stitching together fabrics. It’s about weaving the fabric of a society where every girl, no matter how poor or uneducated, can create a better future for herself, her family, and her community.




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