Report on the participation of the SSVP General Council at the United Nations – Geneva
The United Nations in Geneva has been for more than 75 years a center of multilateralism, working for peace, the rights and well-being of “men, women and children everywhere.” In the historic setting of the Palais des Nations, the UN – Geneva brings together people, organizations and nations to ensure a better future for all.
As a diplomatic center with almost universal representation of states, Geneva is the ideal place for international cooperation to flourish. Last year, some 5,300 meetings were held at the Palais des Nations, each of them impacting the lives of people around the world in various ways.
Driven by the desire to maintain international peace and security, it works actively to advance disarmament, implement the Sustainable Development Goals, protect and promote human rights, promote gender equality, eradicate poverty and provide timely and effective humanitarian assistance in emergency situations.
Through partnerships between governments, civil society, research centers, academia and other international actors, UN Geneva strives to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. By fostering mutual respect and understanding, cultural exchange and debate, UN Geneva protects and preserves the institutional memory and cultural heritage of the United Nations (
I have the privilege of representing the International General Council of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul at the United Nations in Geneva. I am very grateful to all fellow members who have placed their trust in me. These past three years have completely changed our way of life, but despite the difficulties and my humble means, I have been able to continue to maintain relations with our NGO partners and UN agencies.
Here are some of the files and work carried out, sometimes by videoconferences, through exchanges or by co-signing different Statements prepared by our NGO partners:
- February 28 – April 1, 2022. 49th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council, co-signatory of the Declaration Call for Peace for Ukraine.
- Statement to the United Nations High Commissioner on Violence against Children: Interactive dialogue with the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence against Children.
- March 21, 2022. Statement by the Global Non Killing Centre at the 49th session of the Human Rights Council. Item 4, General debate, Geneva.
- April 6, 2022. Mail to Nicolo Ciatttoni of Points Coeur on aid to Ukraine from SSVP countries bordering Ukraine.
- April 12 and 13, 2022. Celebration of the International Street Children’s Day; participation in round tables organiszed by the « Fondation Apprentis d’Auteuil International » on the theme “From exclusion to inclusion: what perspectives do children living in the street have? “
- August 19, 2022. Participation in a ceremony commemorating the « World Humanitarian Day ».
- September 1, 2022. Statement dated August 31, 2022 by Bishop Fortunus Nwachukwu at the 10th Meeting of the States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions.
- September 12 – October 7, 2022. 51st Regular Session of the Human Rights Council, Item 3: Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the right to development.
- Joint oral statement delivered by: Pope John XXIII Community Association.
- September 21, 2022. Participation to the 10th anniversary of the Geneva peace talks.
- Declarations on the right to development.
- September 12 – October 7, 2022. Session of the Human Rights Council. Signing of the oral statement of Pope John XXIII Community Association.
- September 14, 2022. Webinar continuation of the cycle on Human Trafficking: “The use of technology to recruit and control victims of human trafficking with special reference to sex trafficking of children and women”.
- September 15, 2022. Event: The Doha (Qatar) Program of Action for the Least Developed Countries: Human Rights Challenges and Opportunities”.
- September 25, 2022. Celebration of the 10th World Day of Migrants and Refugees.
- September 29, 2022. Webinar continuation of the cycle on Human Trafficking / “Human Trafficking and Laudato Si towards a new paradigm to ensure the protection of human dignity, prevent and eradicate human trafficking”. Building a new model of society focusing on people. This cycle of webinars takes place since 2021.
- September 30, 2022. Agenda item 6: General discussion.
- Interactive dialogue with the Independent Expert on human rights and international solidarity.
- October 24, 2022. Statement by Bishop Fortunus Nwachukwu at the International Dialogue on Migration and the International Organization for Migration, part 1: “What do we know? Climate change, food insecurity, human mobility and the role of oceans, water and land.”
- November 6-18, 2022. COP 27 on climate change in Sharm-el-Sheikh, Egypt.
- November 29, 2022. International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.
- December 13, 2022. Consultation of the ECOSOC Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations.
I thank brother Renato Lima for having chosen me for such an important service to our Society.
Marie Françoise Salesiani-Payet
SSVP General Secretary
SSVP Representative at the UN – Geneva Headquarters