Steadfast in their Prayers, and Trusting
Jesus is the reason why God does not hold back from those who are steadfast in their prayers the blessings they ask for with trust.
The teaching today is that we should be steadfast in our prayers. And it seems that what is good about being steadfast is that we annoy God. So much that, to get rid of us, he gives us what we ask for.
This, of course, does not make God look good. He is like a friend who is not a friend indeed, since he is not a friend in need.
But to come away with this idea is to miss the other teaching. And it is a steadfast teaching in the Jesus’ Good News, which is, that God is Father. “Father” suggests intimacy, fondness, closeness, trust. And if God is the Father of all, then we are all brothers and sisters. Be we good or bad, male or female, from this or that race, nation, language or religion.
Yes, we are told that God is Father. And the name fits him more than human fathers. Though we leave much to be desired as human fathers, we still give our children what they ask of us. But God’s goodness has no equal. And that is why he gives us what we ask him. He also gives us, besides, what his goodness foresees is what we most need.
Steadfast prayer that his name be hallowed, that his kingdom come
And what we need most is that the Father’s name be hallowed and that his kingdom come. For if more humans honor his name as Father more consciously each time, the better and wider will be our oneness.
Hence, justice, mercy, faith and peace will win out. No one will go hungry, there will be no poor folks. We will love and support one another. That is to say, God will reign. And when he reigns, we will get all the other things besides. That is how much worth the kingdom of God has. It is right, then, that we should strive to further more Jesus’ kingdom than our possessions (SV.EN III:527).
We say Christ’s kingdom, for it is only through him that God’s kingdom comes. He is the one to bring it in and the one to bring it about to the full. Through him, the Father reigns and will reign with the power of the Holy Spirit (It is worth mentioning that there are manuscripts that read, “Come, Holy Spirit, and cleanse us,” in place of “Your kingdom come.”).
All this shows that we get what we ask for, and the kingdom comes, due to God’s goodness alone. Not due to our steadfast prayers that end up hard to bear or to our merits. Not due to our works, but due only to God’s grace and truth. And these have come through Jesus Christ. And he says to us, “I tell you, the Father will give you whatever you ask him in my name.” God brings us life along with him, too.
Lord Jesus, through you we ask the Father to make holy his name by giving us a new heart and a new spirit, so that the world and we humans may be what he wants us to be. Give us strength as you feed us with your body and blood. For we are a long way from being steadfast in prayer, as you, and as Abraham and Bartimaeus.
24 July 2022
17th Sunday in O.T. (C)
Gen 18, 20-32; Col 2, 12-14; Lk 11, 1-13
Thanks for the steadfast message!