Lenten Video Series, Day 28: Into Your Hands

The Miraculous Medal Shrine
April 2, 2022

Lenten Video Series, Day 28: Into Your Hands

by | Apr 2, 2022 | Formation, Reflections

Father Michael Gerlach explains some of the sacrifices made by parish priests that we often take for granted. Consider the small things you can do to open yourself up to others, and your rewards will be joyful.

Join us on our Lenten Journey, and experience the Joy of Sacrifice! If you’d like to receive these 40 Days of reflection directly to your email inbox, sign up here. Copyright 2022 The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal · A Joyful Films Production #LentenSeries #Lent2022 #MiraculousMedal #TheJoyOfSacrifice #JOS


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