Lenten Video Series, Day 12: Be the Light

The Miraculous Medal Shrine
March 15, 2022

Lenten Video Series, Day 12: Be the Light

by | Mar 15, 2022 | Formation, Reflections

Take the time to extend a gesture of mercy and sacrifice for others. In order to live in imitation of Christ, Mickey Kelly, of the Raymond Nonnatus Foundation, explains that we must put our faith into daily practice.

Join us on our Lenten Journey, and experience the Joy of Sacrifice! If you’d like to receive these 40 Days of reflection directly to your email inbox, sign up here. Copyright 2022 The Central Association of the Miraculous Medal · A Joyful Films Production #LentenSeries #Lent2022 #MiraculousMedal #TheJoyOfSacrifice #JOS


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