Spread the Unbelievable Good News
A Savior has been born for us, who is Christ and Lord. This is the Good News of great joy that the angel brings. It must spread, for it is for all the people.
The decree that there be a census cannot but spread. And that is why those of the house and family of king David flock to Bethlehem.
And there a baby boy is born. His mother swaddles him, that is to say, in a common way that has spread just about everywhere. Then she lays him in a manger. For there is no room them in the inn.
The Good News is hard to believe. Is it hard to spread, too?
But the angel that announces this birth calls it Good News of great joy for all the people. It is the birth of Christ the Lord. But does not what the angel says sound unbelievable due to the humble circumstances of the baby’s birth?
Who would think that the baby who is on the outskirts with his parents could be the Savior? True, prophet Micah says that from Bethlehem will come a ruler who is to shepherd Israel. But would it cross anyone’s mind that his birthplace would be a place for animals? And that he would have, besides, a trough for a crib?
But though it all seems beyond belief, we are still asked to believe. And there is a doubling-down on what is hard to believe: it is the sign for the shepherds.
Indeed, there is nothing that God cannot do. By his will, the Word becomes flesh. And through his Word, God speaks to us in these last days, and the Infinite reaches out to the finite.
And God delights in revealing to the shepherds what he hides from the leaders of the people. He also calls the shepherds to announce peace and to spread the Good News. They will thus lead others to be amazed by it, to keep it and to ponder on it in their hearts. To lead, too, to a great light those who walk in darkness. And to help all to hear the one who proclaims, “Your Savior comes!”
But do we truly believe the Good News that is hard to believe and strive to spread it? This demands that we welcome the Savior of the world, as though turned into nothing as a child (SV.EN VI:170). And that we ask him, too, to draw us with him into his lowliness.
Lord Jesus, through you God’s grace, kindness, love, comes to light for us. Help us to spread this Good News. In the manger, you mean to say that you give yourself to us as our food and drink. May we give up ourselves, too, for others.
25 December 2020
Nativity of the Lord
Night: Is 9, 1-6; Tit 2, 11-14; Lk 2, 1-14 * Dawn: Is 62, 11-12; Tit 3, 4-7; Lk 2, 15-20 * Day: Is 52, 7-10; Heb 1, 1-6; Jn 1, 1-18