Sisters of Charity Federation Assembly of the Whole

June 22, 2019

Sisters of Charity Federation Assembly of the Whole

by | Jun 22, 2019 | News, Sisters of Charity

“I like questions that have no answers …more than I like answers that I cannot question!” 

“We really do not think ourselves into a new way of living. We live ourselves into new ways of thinking. (That has been our pattern)”

The Sisters of Charity Federation recently wrapped up their Assembly of the Whole, which took place July 13-16. Below are the reports and photos from the event!

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View more photos from the assembly

Day 1 report:

Day 2 report:

Day 3 report:

Day 4 report:

Click the following link to view all the official videos livestreamed from the assembly, photos, and a pdf of the keynote speech:


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