Go Out To The Peripheries • A Video From Fr. Tomaz Mavrič
In a new series of three videos, Fr. Tomaz Mavrič, CM invites us to continue to deepen the meaning of the Vincentian charism, of which we celebrate the 400th anniversary during this year 2017.
The first of this new series, “The Globalization of Charity” and the second, “Your call,” were already published in past weeks. We now present the third and last, “Go out to the peripheries.”
Let us recall that, in the first series of videos published in the month of January, Fr. Mavrič invited us to look with faith and charity at three objects that belonged to Vincent de Paul: his hat, his cape and his sandals.
In this new video, Fr. Tomaz Mavrič, CM invites us to go out to the peripheries: Listening to the words of Father Tomaž and admiring the beautiful images that accompany the video, I came to an incredible insight. Father General made a gospel phrase echo in my heart as he extended the invitation to go out to the peripheries … on the peripheries one will find abundant life (John 10:10) because there we will encounter and come to know so many brothers and sisters. That is the miracle of our charism and our vocation.
Fr. Tomaz Mavrič, CM tells us:
As a Vincentian Family, we are invited to go out to the peripheries, but not alone, not maybe just as one or two branches. The Family, it’s, it’s growing. And so important that we go together as a Family, that we plan together, that we do together. That we, what will make us start the whole process, pray together.
Pope Francis said go, go to the peripheries. And this is what Vincent started to do. He is going out. He would like to reach every one of us, every single member of the Vincentian Family, every single person and touch them and touch us as he was touched 400 years ago.
Video link in other languages:
- English: https://youtu.be/M6ioPpQxRC8
- Française: https://youtu.be/2H1I7Li7m4g
- Español: https://youtu.be/rVT8U1uw6LQ
- Português: https://youtu.be/lSQR_gsIDwc
- Polski: https://youtu.be/vnhv5X8sr44
- Italiano: https://youtu.be/lSYfnSHXDts
- Slovenský: https://youtu.be/xoAd-WgT5_E
- Slovenski: https://youtu.be/mM1vbCMSAdI
Questions for dialogue:
After watching this video together, we can discuss with these suggestions:
- Repeatedly, Pope Francis, and our founders before, have invited us to go out to meet the poor, to go to the peripheries. How are we doing this, within my branch, movement, or Vincentian place?
- How could we improve our service and encounter with the poor, our masters and lords?
- How are we collaborating with the different Vincentian branches, movements, or places in my environment? Could we improve?
Video courtesy of CMglobal YouTube Channel, based on an idea by Fr. Luigi Mezzadri, CM, and directed by Piotr Dziubak.
Tags: famvin400