SSVP President General Issues his First Circular Letter
On January 31, 2017, brother Renato Lima de Oliveira, the 16th President General of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul, issues his first Circular Letter which is the means by which President Generals have traditionally communicated directly with members of the Society, beloved members of Conferences, throughout the world. Because of its length, it is suggested that the Circular Letter be divided into two or three parts, each of which could form the basis for a reflection at Conference meetings.
This is the first time in the history of the Society that a Circular Letter is written in Arabic, Italian and Chinese as well as our four official languages (English, French, Spanish and Portuguese). President Renato said: “I am very happy to revive the use of Circular Letters from the President General which is a great means of addressing Vincentians around the world and inviting them to reflect on key topics.”
The Circular Letter has five parts: “Introduction,” “Agenda of the General Council,” “Recommendations to Vincentians,” “2017 – Year dedicated to Bailly” and “Conclusion.” In addition to the text of the Letter itself, there are 21 footnotes which provide additional information which hopefully enriches an understanding of the text.
The Circular Letter is a tradition among President Generals. The first Letter was written by brother Emmanuel Joseph Bailly on July 14, 1841. The last Letter issued was in 2010, written by the 14th President General, Jose Ramon Diaz-Torremocha.
The Council General requests all Superior/National Councils to circulate the Letter to all Councils, Conferences and Special works in their circumscription and also to the branches of the Vincentian Family.
Comments on this Circular Letter and suggestions for themes for the 2018 edition may be sent by email to:
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