A United Nations Twelve Days of Christmas

Sr. Margaret O’Dwyer, DC
December 29, 2016

A United Nations Twelve Days of Christmas

by | Dec 29, 2016 | News, Vincentian Family at the U.N. | 2 comments

The Song, “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” was composed in 1780. It refers to the 12 days starting with Christmas and ending on the Feast of the Epiphany.  I wondered what it might be like if there were a version for the UN…considering events in 2016 and what we might wish for 2017.

Your UN NGO representatives wish you a peaceful and blessed New Year!

On the First Day of Christmas, the UN gave to me,

Peace and Security

With all that has occurred in Aleppo, the Central American Triangle, South Sudan, and many other locations, may God grant us peace everywhere!

On the Second Day of Christmas, the UN gave to me,

Two new world leaders

Peace and Security

Secretary-General Elect Antonio Guterres, of Portugal, and his Assistant Secretary General, Amina Mohammed, of Nigeria. They take office January 1, 2017

On the Third Day of Christmas, the UN gave to me,

Habitat III

Two new world leaders

Peace and Security

Habitat III took place in Quito, Ecuador, in October, promoting a new urban agenda.  It was the UN’s conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development.  It sets global strategies for urban living over the next two decades.

On the Fourth Day of Christmas, the UN gave to me,

The New York Declaration

Habitat III

Two new world leaders

Peace and Security

The New York Declaration will lead to global compacts on migration and refugees in 2018. See  #UN4RefugeesMigrants or http://refugeesmigrants.un.org/declaration

On the Fifth Day of Christmas, the UN gave to me,

A More Effective SC  (Security Council)

(The Security Council addresses many more problems than most people think; but obviously, we must avoid travesties such as Aleppo in the future)

The New York Declaration

Habitat III

Two new world leaders

Peace and Security

UN Security Council on December 20, approved a resolution recognizing the vulnerability of those in conflict situations to human trafficking.

On the Sixth Day of Christmas, the UN gave to me,

Six efficient UN branches

(There are six main organs of the UN.  Secretary General-Elect Antonio Guterres promises internal reform at the organization)

A More Effective SC

The New York Declaration

Habitat III

Two New World Leaders

Peace and Security

“The UN must be ready to change,” — UN Secretary-General-Elect  Antonio Guterres after being sworn in on December 14, 2016

On the Seventh Day of Christmas, the UN gave to me,

Climate Pact Ratification

Six efficient UN branches

A More Effective SC

The New York Declaration

Habitat III

Two New World Leaders

Peace and Security

On the Eighth Day of Christmas, the UN gave to me,

The 8.7 Alliance (to combat human trafficking, forced labor, and modern slavery)

Climate Pact Ratification

Six Efficient UN branches

A More Effective SC

The New York Declaration

Habitat III

Two New World Leaders

Peace and Security

On the Ninth Day of Christmas, the UN gave to me,

Nine wins for young people

…at the 71st UN General Assembly….see The UN’s Office of the Secretary Generals’ Envoy on Youth by clicking here

The 8.7 Alliance

Climate Pact Ratification

Six Efficient UN branches

A  More Effective SC

The New York Declaration

Habitat III

Two New World Leaders

Peace and Security

On the Tenth Day of Christmas, the UN gave to me,

The 10th SDG (Work on the 10th Sustainable Development Goal has to do with reducing inequalities within and among nations; the theme at many UN events in 2016 was “leave no one behind.”)

Nine wins for young people

The 8.7 Alliance

Climate Pact Ratification

Six Efficient UN branches

A More Effective SC

The New York Declaration

Habitat  III

Two New World Leaders

Peace and Security

On the 11th Day of Christmas, the UN gave to me

11 New CEDAW members

(CEDAW is the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women; 11 new members were elected to its Committee in June, 2016)

The 10th SDG

Nine Wins for young people

The 8.7 Alliance

Climate Pact Ratification

Six Efficient UN branches

A More Effective SC

The New York Declaration

Habitat III

Two New World Leaders

Peace and Security

On the 12th Day of Christmas, the UN gave to me,

Sustainable Consumption (SDG 12)

11 new CEDAW members

The 10th SDG

Nine Wins for young people

The 8.7 Alliance

Climate Pact Ratification

Six Efficient UN branches

A More Effective SC

The New York Declaration

Habitat III

Two New World Leaders




  1. Sr. Marjory Ann Baez, D.C.

    Very creative way to remember important facts about the UN! Thank you!

  2. Sister Julie Cutter

    Great summary of amazing successes at the UN in 2016. Thank you.

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