Vincentians Keep Jesus in our Work - Vincentians Serve as Called

Lynn L'Heureux
December 26, 2016

Vincentians Keep Jesus in our Work – Vincentians Serve as Called

by | Dec 26, 2016 | Formation, Reflections, Society of St. Vincent de Paul


Vincentians Keep Jesus in our WorkVincentians Serve as Called – Vincentians See the Concrete Sign

Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast

Vincentians Keep Jesus in our Work

We believe and know Jesus is in the Blessed Sacrament.  So we ensure before our visits to those in need, we pray before the Blessed Sacrament.  So we open our hearts to the real Presence and bring those words to all we serve. We have been extremely busy this past week delivering hampers and taking the time to listen to our Lord and those He places before us.  So we take the time to make those we visit feel hope, peace, joy and love.  So after our visits and deliveries we pray in thanksgiving for the gift of Jesus, who is present to us always. We are now past Christmas and getting ready for New Year’s Day.  We continue to trust in Jesus during these special days and always. Keep this thought all year.  He calls us.  He is our master and teacher.  We follow His words and examples always.  This is why we have success.  It is not us it is Jesus in our works. It is His face we serve.  Serve it well.  Give of yourself in love, hope, peace and joy.

Vincentians Serve as Called

We rejoice because we are a joyful people called by Jesus to serve Him in the poor. St. Paul tells us in Thessalonians, “Rejoice Always!”  He is not asking us for giddiness with high emotions.  He calls us because we are optimistic people in good times and in bad, in success or failure.  We bring this message of joy to those we serve.  They are not going through good times and they need us to show them.  We help them smile and we smile deeply and joyfully with them.  Vincentians do not mope and complain.  We try to see the poor with the eyes of Jesus and serve in the same way.  One of my best stories is a visit I made out of town.  I was tired and didn’t want to drive on snowy roads, but I went anyway.  I prayed as I entered the car and I immediately felt good and received good advice.  When I knocked on the door still praying I saw a very sad face on a very young lady who had just gave birth.  I find when we visit we should look around to understand more who they are.  I noticed a certificate of merit on the wall. We talked about that and she became joyful.  She was able to show me her happy side and shared pictures.  She needed a stroller for her babies.  I just happened to have one in my car.  This was a gift from Jesus and meeting her was also a gift.  We had an amazing visit.  I asked her what she really needed and wanted.  She said, “A Rosary.”  This was a gift from Jesus as well.  I gave her mine and I also just happened to have a little prayer book.  We prayed.  Thank you, Jesus.

Vincentians See the Concrete Signs

Jesus was born to us.  He lived and suffered in His life.  Most important He taught us.  He gave a destiny to all women and men and gave a special offering to Vincentians to help feed His lambs and tend His sheep. He knows what problems we have because He came and lived as a human among humans.  Jesus came to us and gave of His life to us.  We can serve, because He does not abandon us.  We bring Him on visits to ensure those we visit know hope.  We try to share our joy and faith with all we serve and do not judge.  Another short story, some of your heard it I think.  In my first 2 weeks as a Vincentian.  I visited the home of a single dad and 3 children.  I went alone (my bad), but no one else could help.  I was nervous.  This family had the largest dog I had ever seen.  I sat looking at the dog and thought they could feed the whole neighborhood with what it cost to feed dog.  I said nothing.  As I was leaving after hugs all around, he said, “I saw you looking at our dog.  I think I know what you were thinking.  I suffer with this because my three children lost their mother and they cling to her dog.  Do you want me to take that away from them?”  I was dumbfounded and left going to the nearest dog store and told them the story.  I was asking for a discount and this store gave me a month’s worth of the best dog food and some big dog toys.  For me this was a concrete sign of Jesus.  The store agreed to continue to deliver to the family.  Joy filled the room.

Dear Vincentians:  I hope your Christmas was filled with joy and you served Jesus in our people with joy. May joy continue.  We are now in late December and getting ready for a New Year.  Hope your resolutions include those we serve and of course our Lord.  We are truly blessed and we need to take the time to recognize that it is all good.  We do not need more.  We need to give more of our time, talent and treasures.  Think about what you can do for others in 2017.  Make your resolution with others in need in your mind and heart. Have a very happy and prosperous New Year filled with Our Lord and your goodness in service.




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