Merciful Savior - Reaching Out

Lynn L'Heureux
November 14, 2016

Merciful Savior – Reaching Out

by | Nov 14, 2016 | Formation, Reflections, Society of St. Vincent de Paul


Merciful Savior Reaching Out – Gateway to Heaven Lord Give Me Courage

Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast

Merciful Savior

Vincentians know the Wonderful, merciful Savior. Precious Redeemer and friend, who would have thought that a Lamb could rescue the souls of all who need You.  Vincentians see the Spirit and long to embrace the poor with Mercy, love and joy. You offer hope to us and those we serve in Jesus’ name when our hearts have hopelessly lost the way. Vincentians visit in pairs to bring healing and grace with mercy and joy always to those in need.  We see Jesus in them and we praise Him and adore Him. Oh, we hopelessly lose the way and turn to You for help.  We cry out to You, Lord stay with us. You are the one we praise and adore to give the healing grace and be with us as we respond to your calling to always serve those who have no food, or a home, or an income to keep them from begging. We serve those in prison who need to be healed and we try to give them a hand up and not just a hand out.  Justice and Charity are one.  We need to do both. Be with us and always help us to do your will.  You are our constant leader.  We must always pray for our Vincentian Family and those they serve.  Pray before you visit, during your business and after you leave them.  They will feel the warmth of you and the guidance of God.  Vincentians are precious.

Reaching Out

Vincentians reach out to our friends in need.  Each person we serve is worth it. Holy Spirit, incline my heart so that I might hear in a new and fresh way the words God wants to speak to me. Help me to see the beauty of the Lord in each person I am called to serve. Vincentians are called as a gift from God the Holy Spirit and Jesus.  We are called to tend the sheep and reach out to all. We do this with love, justice and joy.  Each person we reach out to is Jesus and we remember the phrase the pictures of hands reaching out to anyone in need.  There is no prejudice.  We reach out to be present to them and know their needs. We search their hearts.  What is their greatest need?  When we listen to them and see into their hearts, and we know God is with us and listening as well.  He will have the answer for you. Sometimes we have to reach out to the community, government programs and help them access extended child care and other programs in your area.  One program in Canada is now on an Education Savings program.  We have helped many with children to use this Education program.  Ask other Vincentians who have been around and know and never be afraid of reaching out.  God is always with us!! I’m sure many of you have heard this story before.  A Vincentian reaching out to help an older man decided to spend a good time reaching out to him. Another Vincentian brought the food into the home and opened the cupboard and they were full.  He came in the room to sit and talk.  He asked the man why you called us if you do not need the food.  His response was, “I’m lonely and really like your visits.”  They continue to visit but with a new sense of giving.  So they booked a place for him at a senior’s home and only brought him groceries when they were needed.  Our Vincentian passed away shortly after, however before his final days; he was honored with a certificate for his great call to serve our friends. This is one story, and I ask you dear Vincentians to reach out and never be afraid.  God journeys with you.

Gateway to Heaven

If tears and sadness could build a gateway, many are already trying.  It is only part of the way.  Vincentians shed tears; however their Gateway is prayer and service. Jesus says, “I am the way the truth and the life, only one road leads to heaven”. Vincentians know their help comes from the Lord and maker of heaven and earth. The heavens declare the Glory of God.  The sky’s the work of His hands. (Psalm. 19:1)With God on my side there is nothing I shall fear. Vincentians work hard and are called to tend the lambs.  This is why we see Jesus not only in the poor, but throughout their Vincentian family and friends. I think the real gateway is recognizing others, praying for the sick, and Vincentians do all this and more.  They give without payment and know they are the messenger, but all compliments and praise belong to the Trinity.  Father Son and Holy Spirit get all the praise and glory. Vincentians called servants of God doing what is needed.  We are disciples of Jesus called to tend to the sheep with His love and direction. The Holy Spirit comes with us and directs us in God’s plans for all in need.  The Trinity is always with us on our gateway to heaven. The gateway to heaven is not praying to die, but living in His shadow, with mercy to the poor. Dear Vincentians pray and fast each day.  Fast from bad habits, gossip, and criticism all things leading you away from your vocation.

Lord Give Me Courage

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to be able to laugh at it is maturity. Vincentians are friends of the Lord and do His will. The Gospel of John tells us we are chosen and will do the work the Master calls us to do.  Our courage comes from prayer and a conversation with God.  Place yourself in quiet room and have a conversion with our Lord.  When you are finished, look in the mirror and admire God’s creation.  Do you see Jesus in the mirror?  Pray always for courage.  We need to change the way we look and talk to those we serve and we must above all lose our prejudices.  We ask God to give me the courage to not give up even though I see it is hopeless. Vincentians let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier, especially yourself. Believe in yourself as a Vincentian you will have the courage to serve.  It is also a time to consider being elected to a higher position in the Society.  It takes a good deal of your time.  Never forget to move forward with courage.  If your area is looking for a new president pray about it and feel the courage you will receive.  Currently Western Regional Council is in a nomination format.  We need names, so if you can find any person who is a Vincentian.  If you are in my area please feel free to email me with your nomination.  We all need to pray for our election of president.  Lord gives us the courage to be a leader to do good for the Society.  Are you feeling the courage?  Lord give us Courage.

Blessings, Lynn


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