Oil Painting and Prison Ministry #BeMercy
From the Catholic News Agency: In an effort to promote Pope Francis’ desire that Catholics engage in concrete works of mercy during his special jubilee Holy Year, the Vatican is encouraging people to talk about their experience doing works of mercy on social media using the hashtag #BeMercy.
Sister Angel Hinkey, DC reflects on serving women in Cook County Jail by teaching them oil painting and how she sees mercy in this ministry.
And when they love their painting, which they all do when they finish, then they love themselves a little bit more. This is my privilege to be able to offer this to them and I am grateful that I am able to do this.
Watch this two-minute #BeMercy video by clicking below!
To read the entire Vatican article, click here.
Thanks to Sister Angele for sharing her wonderful talent that these incarcerated women may come to know and love themselves better. What a mercy for them and also for her.