Word that is astounding and fruitful

Ross Reyes Dizon
December 1, 2015

Word that is astounding and fruitful

by | Dec 1, 2015 | Formation, Reflections

ross-reyes-dizon-sunday-readings-facebookSecond Sunday of Advent (C), December 6, 2015 – Bar 5, 1-9; Phil 1, 4-6. 8-11; Lk 3, 1-6

Filled with the fruit of righteousness (Phil 1, 11)

The Word of God is not chained. No one, nothing, hinders it. It is astoundingly effective.

The word of God comes to John while the Jewish nation is under Roman domination. God interferes in our human history.

There is great lack of justice and mercy in this world. Many of those regarded here as rulers are tyrants, and they make puppets out people like them. But God does not mind putting himself in our situation.

That is because, in the first place, the Word is addressed not so much to the righteous as to sinners. It is the sick who need physicians.

In the second place, Jesus, the greatest prophet, is not afraid of those who kill the body. Like other prophets, he is strengthened by the divine instruction that he not fear the rebellious. He is, moreover, given the guarantee that the word that goes forth from God’s mouth shall not return to him void, but shall do his will and achieve his end.

The powerful in the world shall never prevail. Never mind that instead of preparing the way of the Word, they put obstacles before the Word constantly and at every turn. They are in for a rude awakening when they see that the more they disregard and trample the Word underfoot, the more resilient and fruitful the Word becomes.

That is how God acts in history, which is a secret that is revealed to the childlike. If we do not want to be awfully shocked, we will not behave like the powerful Tiberius, Pilate, Herod, Philip and Lysanias or like the wise Annas and Caiaphas, but rather like the Sinless Woman, whose lowliness pleases God.

To be like Mary means not to look for royalty in the wrong places. It is to have the awareness of St. Vincent de Paul, who time and again reminds us that people in the kingdom of God the poor are the royalty, and that the glorious end is attained only through divine means (SV.FR II:325; III:170; XI:467).

An indispensable means and remedy is the Eucharist. In it, we listen to the Good Word, so that God’s will may be wholly done in our lives, our history, as in St. Vincent’s (J. Delarue, The Holiness of Vincent de Paul ). It also offers the nourishment that brings remedy to our imperfection and weakness, so that we may reach the desired destiny.

Lord, direct us to your Word.


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