170th anniversary of Vincent de Paul Society in USA

John Freund, CM
November 16, 2015

170th anniversary of Vincent de Paul Society in USA

by | Nov 16, 2015 | News, Society of St. Vincent de Paul

featured-image-generic-svdpNov. 20th marks the  170th Anniversary of the Vincent de Paul Society in the USA (1845-2015)

On  November 20, 1845, a group of nineteen Catholic laymen and a priest met in the school room attached to the Cathedral Church in St. Louis to establish a Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.  The Officers of the Society were elected and a collection was taken up with seventeen dollars and seventy cents collected to help serve the poor. Thus, in the Providence of God, the Society was born in the United States. The Council General in Paris aggregated the St. Louis Conference to the Society on February 2, 1846.

During 2015, to capture the grace of our Foundation, all of the Conferences in the United States were invited to pray, reflect and share on Serving in Hope-Module VI: Our Vincentian Conference. On September 20, 2015 the St. Louis Council celebrated this historical event with a Mass at the Old Cathedral in St. Louis.

To order Materials: Online at www.svdpusa.org or Email: materials@svdpusa.org

Formation Guide #1060-English:  $2.50 each (one for each member)
DVD #1062-English:  $10.00 (one for each Conference)
Formation Guide #1064-Spanish:  $2.50 each (one for each member)
DVD #1066-Spanish:  $10.00 (one for each Conference)


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