Presenting Visually: Vincentian Family Philippines
So, you’ve made yourself a powerpoint and you want to share it. The problem is, some people like Windows desktop computers, some people like Macintosh, and some Linux. Some use tablets. Some only use their smartphones. So, you post your powerpoint for download, and half your audience never sees it! What does .famvin do?
Recently, we received a powerpoint from the Coordinating Council of the Vincentian Family in the Philippines. We could just post it for download. But wouldn’t it be nicer if it was formatted for the web. Enter “Slideshare.”
Enter “YouTube.”
Nice formats, and they automatically scale for device. There are apps that are pre-installed for most smartphones. And you can still download the original powerpoint.
If you’re really adventurous, you can do a google search for apps to view a powerpoint on your particular device. It’s a whole new world! Thanks Philippines!
its wonderful to be part of the Vincentian Family. God bless everyone who made the Congress in this year of Vincentian collaboration what it was in Manila,Philippines. Advance Happy Feastday of our beloved St. Vincent de Paul.