“Laudato Si” through the eyes of a Daughter of Charity

John Freund, CM
July 2, 2015

“Laudato Si” through the eyes of a Daughter of Charity

by | Jul 2, 2015 | Daughters of Charity, Formation

dc-featured-newsRemembering those who are poor: …looking at “Laudato Si” through the eyes of a Daughter of Charity

Reflections from the international site of the Daughters of Charity…

Pope Francis’ recently issued encyclical contains much for a Daughter of Charity and those who share in the charism of Saints Vincent and Louise.  Let us reflect on some of its points through the eyes of a Daughter of Charity.

From the Statutes of the Daughters of Charity we read,

Convinced that the goods of the earth form a common patrimony, they foster responsible use of natural resources and the equitable distribution of goods. (S 8d)

WealthandPoverty_2_500pxFrom the encyclical,

The natural environment is a collective good, the patrimony of all humanity and the responsibility of everyone. (95) In that same paragraph the pope quotes the bishops of New Zealand who remind us that “twenty percent of the world’s population consumes resources at a rate that robs the poor nations and future generations of what they need to survive”.

The statutes of the Daughters of Charity again call us to be aware of how we use goods and the earth’s resources:

hands-around-earthThe Sisters often make a personal and community review* in which they discern their real needs, their use of goods and of the earth’s resources, their life style, and their duties of justice and charity. This is a means of preserving the spirit and practice of poverty. (S. 16a)

These writings make me reflect on this question:In what way can I live so that my use of the world’s goods does not rob the poor of what they need to survive?

Read the full reflection at looking at “Laudato Si” through the eyes of a Daughter of Charity



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