SSVP updates on Nepal relief efforts

John Freund, CM
May 6, 2015

SSVP updates on Nepal relief efforts

by | May 6, 2015 | News, Society of St. Vincent de Paul

2015 Nepal Earthquake 2Dear Brothers and Sisters
Peace of Christ!
We have formed a Whatsapp Group for Nepel consisting of East Asia, West Asia, National Council of Malaysia, National Council of Nepal and CGI Webmaster. We have a very up to date information about how SSVP is helping the earthquake victims in Nepal. I hope Sr. Helene AFRIAT could post the information in the CGI Web, Facebook and Twitter. Please do pray for SSVP members working for the victims in Nepal..
Below is the brief report from Bro. Gabriel Mondel, West Asia Coordinator who is now in Nepal via Whatsapp..
This is 10:40pm (5 May, 2015) just I came back from Okaldanga with Bro. Augustin. We were out of mobile network. That very remote area. It is only 150  km from Kathmandu but took 8/9 hours by sumo jeep. Another 2 hours walking. That is a remote Hindu village only one Catholic person is Fr. Peter ….. The Earth quake day was the Ordination day of Fr. Peter. Normally Saturday is holiday. Villagers woke up in the morning by 10 they go for rest. But that day all the people from that area attended in the ordination  ceremony. By 11 earth quake starts within short time all the houses all around the area collapsed. There is not a single house except Fr. Peter’s house.
All the people stood in the occasion in the open field so no body died. Only one men went out for his business one big stone fallen to him & he died.
Attached some photos for your information
1) SSVP Nepal Youth helping the victims
2) Bro. Gabriel Mondal – West India Coordinator in Nepal
3) Members of SSVP Nepal prayed before distribution
4) Poor Nepal Child
5) Victims getting the blankets
6) Members of SSVP Nepal bring blankets to remote area
Regards/John Lee





Tags: Nepal, SVDP


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