Gospel of Life - Giving of Yourself - Does Jesus Still Appear Today - Sometimes We Need to Prune

Lynn L'Heureux
May 4, 2015

Gospel of Life – Giving of Yourself – Does Jesus Still Appear Today – Sometimes We Need to Prune

by | May 4, 2015 | Formation, News, Reflections, Society of St. Vincent de Paul

lynn-lheureux-featured-facebookGospel of Life – Giving of Yourself – Does Jesus Still Appear Today – Sometimes We Need to Prune

Vincentian Day of Prayer and Fast – Tuesday May 5, 2015 

Dear Vincentian Family: Pray we make a change of mentality of others and sometimes ourselves to no longer see the poor as a burden, or just beggars to be ignored, but as people seeking to share the goods of the world so that we can create a just and prosperous world for all. Everything we have belongs to God and is to be shared with the poor. For the willingness to let go of long-held labels and receive the conversion God is working in and around us, we pray to the Lord. Jesus, graft us ever closer to your vine, that we may extend your branches into the most unlikely places. Help us to withhold final judgement, to invite conversion, and to receive it with welcome hearts. Allow us to see our own growth that we may be patient with the growth of others. Amen.

Gospel of Life – Notable quotations from the papal encyclical – Evangelium Vitae – The Gospel of Life – Pope John Paul II, 1995 are relevant for us in our work to serve Christ in the poor with love.   Love for others, and especially for the poor, is made concrete by promoting justice. (#58) As far as the church is concerned, the social message of the Gospel must not be considered a theory, but above all a basis and a motivation for action. Today more than ever, the church is aware that her social message will gain credibility more immediately from the witness of actions than as a result of its internal logic and consistency. (#57) To overcome today’s individualistic mentality, a concrete commitment to solidarity and charity is needed, beginning in the family. (#49) It was good to re-read this document and share some of the points which struck me. Living the Gospel of Life is everything in Scripture given to us by Jesus. Our job is to put it into practice. Live the Gospel of life.

Giving of Yourself – This is one of Pope Francis tips for happiness. You know when you are called and we often say, “Why me, I am not qualified to do this, pick someone else.” Sound familiar. So many people are called to the Vincentian Family of service. God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called. “It is through service to others, lovingly given, that we reach a special fulfillment and union with our Lord. – Blessed Margaretha Flesch (1826-1906). Each Vincentian serves Christ in anyone who suffers. God gives them the strength to give of themselves. When they have the Trinity they have all they need. Remember the song, “All you need is Love” Well you’ve got it my dear Vincentians and you are not alone ever. Giving of yourself gives you happiness, peace and a true satisfaction of following God’s plan. You are chosen and He is well pleased, faithful servant.

Does Jesus Still Appear Today – Sometimes we feel alone and if we take the time to call on Jesus, we are comforted. We don’t see Jesus all the time, I will admit, but there are times when you see Him. While praying at a healing service I became very much at peace. I felt the presence of the Holy Spirit. Carmen, a Canadian Faith Healer was praying over the crowd and spoke to us about Jesus and His healing. She made it clear, she did not heal. Jesus was just using her. She gave us this wonderful picture of Jesus. It was such a special picture; I could not take my eyes off it. I put it beside my bed and rubbed my hand over the picture and I felt so comforted and I saw His face before me. Once before I saw Him while I was praying and my vision was of Him reaching for my hand. Did I really see Him? That is up for debate. But I believe He came to me when I needed Him. My key Word all through cancer was “BELIEVE”. So I guess I believe Jesus still appears today.

Sometimes We Need to Prune – Spring is here in many places, some still have snow, but pruning is on our minds. Last Sunday’s Gospel John 15:1-8 “I am the true vine and my Father is the vine grower. He removes every branch in me that bears no fruit.” (Jn. 15:1). This started me thinking of us. We need the pruning as well. Everyone needs to be pruned sometimes. What comes to mind in the Vincentian Word is when we become complacent. Sometimes we serve because the call came and we were the only ones available. When you are called it is Christ knocking at your door because He needs you, whether He is hungry, naked, or imprisoned, He needs us. Prune ourselves to know and forget the judging, it belongs to God. Of course we must discern the true needs but never leave without giving something and that something should always be hope. If you need pruning pray about it. Keep the Vincentian Heart beating loudly.

Please always pray for peace. Take a quiet moment each day. Pray for our Vincentians and all those in Nepal and if you can afford to donate, please do so through your Vincentian Organization.



Lynn L’Heureux is Special needs co-coordinator & Advisor of the Society of St Vincent de Paul Calgary Alberta Canada.

Her newsletter is translated into 3 languages, hopefully soon to be 4. They have a group which brings the prayer into China and it is translated into Mandarin and other Chinese dialects.


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