New Leadership in Mid-Atlantic LCUSA region and more…
New Director for the Mid-Atlantic Region
Karen Radu has been appointed to the position of Director for the Mid-Atlantic Region on the LCUSA Board of Directors. She has been a member of the Ladies of Charity at Saint Louise de Marillac parish in Pittsburgh since 2008. Karen joined the diocesan board in 2012 as Spirituality Chair, organized a Day of Reflection […]
Sr. Frances Ryan, D.C. Receives Award
Sister Frances Ryan, D.C., was honored at Founder’s Day for Bonaventure House, a residence for HIV-AIDS persons, by the Alexian Brothers and staff, with the highest award for Aids Ministry and a hand carved wooden statue of St. Bonaventure carrying a sick person in his arms. The award recognizes the establishment of Caritas Center at […]
Ladies of Charity Assist a Missionary
A group of Ladies of Charity from St. Gregory the Great parish in the Diocese of Buffalo visited with Fr. John Barth, a Maryknoll priest returning home for a brief visit from his work in South Sudan, Africa. Fr. Barth has spent five years there working and administrating skilled training for the blind. His previous […]
The Nashville Ladies of Charity kicked off its annual Spring Consignment Sale with a preview party on Thursday, March 26th before opening for business on Friday, March 27th. Approximately one half of the proceeds from each item sold goes to support their work in the community. Weeks prior to the kick-off, many Ladies volunteered to […]