FaViLa Day 4 - Vincentian Family Collaboration

John Freund, CM
March 22, 2015

FaViLa Day 4 – Vincentian Family Collaboration

by | Mar 22, 2015 | News | 1 comment

DSCN9552This day was focused on the Collaboration Program. The Collaboration Project International team spoke about VFCAP (Vincentian Family Collaborative Action Program.) The goal of VFCAP is to train members of the Vincentian Family to work as a family not individually. We are many Vincentians around the world, so that collaboration between us is necessary. To enable this collaboration the VFCAP commission reported about training workshops for members of the Vincentian Family. The first training was conducted in 2013, in the English language and the other in 2014 for bilingual members (English and another language). They also recalled that Fr. Gregory Gay, CM Superior General, wrote a letter calling the Vincentian Family to a Year of Collaboration.

The day continues with a reflection on two questions:

  • What gifts or qualities do I have to offer as a Vincentian in a collaborative process?
  • What can I offer from my branch for collaborative work with the Vincentian Family?

In the afternoon, the work was done in groups. Each had to do a project. Some would be creators, others planners, others organizers, and others producers. Each group had to contribute their gifts and talents to achieve the project together. It was a very successful afternoon. The participants experienced a lot of creativity and learning. It was a day very well spent.

Once again thanks to Sr. Francely, DC

1 Comment

  1. Mirna Guzman

    Este día experimentamos todos los alli presentes, lo que será el Programa de Colaboración de la Familia Vicentina; todo un reto que promete resultados extraordinarios, juntos somos mucho más!
    ¿Qué nos dejó esta experiencia? Nos enseño a escucharnos; a identificar y asumir nuestros roles; a acoger, recibir y aceptar a tod@s las ramas; a coordinarnos y responsabilizarnos; a trabajar juntos con creatividad; a darnos cuenta que podemos juntos alcanzar proyectos y acciones impensables. Todo esto en beneficio de nuestros amos y señores: los pobres.
    Felicitar al equipo de del VFCAP en español, su dinámica, la metodología que siguieron para abordar la introducción de este tema en mi opinción fue: MAS QUE SOBRESALIENTE!

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