Daily Reflection – February 2

"It was said of St. Catherine Labouré that some sort of electric current [existed] between Catherine and humble people, between her and children. Those who were puzzled or embarrassed went to her as if she were a beloved granny, a staunch member of the household - but...

Daily Reflection – January 31

"We should be faithful in little things, keep ourselves in the presence of God, and have a great desire to please him." (SW 513) - St. Louise de Marillac - Lord, fidelity is the special gift I ask for today. May my words and actions always show me to be your faithful...

Daily Reflection – January 30

"One can never have too great a supply of patience and mild persuasion." - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, when I have failed to succeed in persuading anyone to another course of action, it was probably because of my impatient and aggressive manner. Create in me a gentle...

Daily Reflection – January 29

"New works, however holy, do not develop unless they have a promoter who follows them closely." - St. Vincent de Paul - O God, remove from me all fear of new beginnings. Give me the courage I need to undertake and see to completion good works done in your name.

Daily Reflection – January 28

"Human passions and weaknesses are never extinct, but they cannot triumph in a heart possessed by peace. She is lovely; make acquaintance with her. She will not be angry that you neglected her so long." (CW 2:86) - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - When I feel discouraged...

Daily Reflection – January 27

"Our Lord has no use for our knowledge or our good works if He does not possess our heart; and even this heart He does not wish if we do not give it to Him when He asks." (CCD 7:483) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, I offer you my heart today; take it and make it your...

Daily Reflection – January 26

"The conversion of a soul is not a thing done once and for all - this conversion, our conversion must take place daily. Every day we must direct our soul anew towards God and make it pass from the demands of nature to the call of grace." - Mother Suzanne Guillemin,...

Daily Reflection – January 25

"I am asking Our Lord that we may die to ourselves in order to rise with him. May he be the joy of your heart, the end and soul of your actions, and your glory in heaven." (CCD 3:616) - St. Vincent de Paul - I must die to my selfish, sinful desires and attachments if...

Daily Reflection – January 24

"It is from prayer that we must expect the light and strength that are indispensable for a veritable renewal; it is in prayer that we shall discover the particular points toward which we should direct our efforts." - Mother Suzanne Guillemin, D.C. - Today, I resolve...

Reflections Quotes