Daily Reflection – November 17

"When we meet with things very pleasing, before yielding to the joy they elicit, let us raise our hearts to God and thank His loving mercy which sends us the consolation." - St. Louise de Marillac Lord, it seems that I always call upon you with my needs, but seldom in...

Daily Reflection – November 16

"If we are faithful in small things, God will entrust us with those that are greater." - St. Vincent de Paul Lord, nothing done for you is small in your sight. I praise you for gifting me with talents to place in the service of others. Help me to use them wisely.

Daily Reflection – November 12

"I beg you to consider all things in the designs of Providence and, while humbly and carefully doing your share to contribute to success, leave the rest to the good pleasure of God." - St. Vincent de Paul Lord, the real test of faith is to remain in peace while...

Daily Reflection – November 11

"Corporal maladies are advantageous to us when we suffer them for the love of God and with conformity to His holy will. We prove thereby that the soul, the nobler part of our being, is in perfect health." - St. Louise de Marillac Physical illness reminds me of my...

Daily Reflection – November 10

"You should bring to the sick two kinds of food: corporal food and spiritual food; that is to say, some little word from your meditation, were it only five or six words, to help them to acquit themselves of their duty as Christians or to bear their sufferings...

Daily Reflection – November 9

"To serve the poor is to serve Jesus Christ. O my daughters, how true this is! You serve Jesus Christ in the person of the poor, and this is as true as that we are here present." - St. Vincent de Paul May I see your image, Lord, in every person I come in contact with...

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