Daily Reflection

"God rejects the gifts of those who are wedded to their own will." (SW:196) - St. Louise de Marillac - Lord, teach me how to be open and listen to the advice and opinions of others. Above all, the humility to compromise or change when wisdom shows me a better course...

Daily Reflection

"Make use of God's gifts quite simply; if you think you have done anything good, attribute the glory to God." (CCD 9:69) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, forgive me for the times I seem to forget that all my gifts and abilities come from you and didn't originate from me!...

Daily Reflection

"The most excellent works are not those that have the most pomp, extent or renown, but rather those where you can most easily get at souls, and do them good." - St. Vincent de Paul - Sometimes the work I do seems endless and without noticeable results. At those times,...

Daily Reflection

"When we meet with things very pleasing, before yielding to the joy they elicit, let us raise our hearts to God and thank His loving mercy which sends us the consolation." (SW: 826) - St. Louise de Marillac - Lord, it seems that I always call upon you with my needs,...

Daily Reflection

"If we are faithful in small things, God will entrust us with those that are greater." (CCD 11:346) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, nothing done for you is small in your sight. I praise you for gifting me with talents to place in the service of others. Help me to use...

Daily Reflection

"We must ask God himself to perform our duty; then, if our strength fails, He will bear the burden." (CCD 13b:438) - St. Vincent de Paul - Sometimes the burdens I carry seem too heavy to bear. Help me to realize you never leave me to carry my crosses alone, Lord.

Daily Reflection

"I am satisfied to sow in tears if I may reap in Joy." (CW 1:335) - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Thank you, Lord, for the sorrows and pain in my life that help me to share more fully in your Passion, Death, and Resurrection.

Daily Reflection

"Trust our Lord to be your efficiency." - St. Vincent de Paul - Sometimes, I pride myself on my ability to "make things happen". Remind me, Lord, that any success I have comes from you who are its source.

Daily Reflection

"I beg you to consider all things in the designs of Providence and, while humbly and carefully doing your share to contribute to success, leave the rest to the good pleasure of God." (CCD 7:390) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, the real test of faith is to remain in...

Daily Reflection

"Corporal maladies are advantageous to us when we suffer them for the love of God and with conformity to His holy will. We prove thereby that the soul, the nobler part of our being, is in perfect health." (SW: 326) - St. Louise de Marillac - Physical illness reminds...

Reflections Quotes