Daily Reflection

"Your health is a gift of God; use it therefore with pleasure and joy for this life in the service of the poor." (SW: 450) - St. Louise de Marillac - Lord, how precious is the gift of health and the strength it provides me to do my work. I praise you for these gifts.

Daily Reflection

"We must redouble our efforts and our ordinary duties on certain occasions when the service of God requires it; then, God will not fail to increase also our strength and our courage." (CCD 7:197) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, when your service requires extraordinary...

Daily Reflection

"Blessed are they who wear themselves out for Charity." (CCD 5:499, 11:357, 13a:195) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, give me a generous heart, always ready to give freely without counting the cost.

Daily Reflection

"If God is the center of your life, no words will be needed. Your mere presence will touch their hearts." (CCD 12:15) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, I am grateful for the difference you make in my life. Use me, today, that others may see your presence within me and be...

Daily Reflection

"These means, press, radio, television, etc., so prodigiously developed, should be utilized to spread the message of Christ. Make friends and servants of them, but don't be enslaved by them." - Rev. Joseph Jamet, C.M. - How do I use mass media, Lord? Am I attached to...

Daily Reflection

"Those who have the management of anything are obliged to manage it well and to use it faithfully, because it belongs to our good God, in as much as it belongs to the poor." (CCD X:245) - St. Vincent de Paul - I will approach my work, today, with renewed energy, Lord,...

Daily Reflection

"Our Lord's sufferings made his words fruitful, and your crosses will do the same to the holy seed that you sow in hearts." (CCD 5:547) - St. Vincent de Paul - Sometimes, Lord, I fail to see your loving hand in the events of each day, especially the painful ones. When...

Daily Reflection

"I see nothing more common than poor results from things done with precipitation." - St. Vincent de Paul - Heavenly Father, slow me down and calm my steps when impatience to succeed causes me to look for quick and easy solutions.

Daily Reflection

"He is with me and what can I fear? I look neither behind nor before, only up." (CW 1:225, 432) - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton - Lord, with you at my side, fear has no place in my life. Increase my faith in you.

Daily Reflection

"You must not be surprised or frightened by one bad year or by several. God is infinitely rich. Until now, nothing has been wanting to you, why fear for the future?" (CCD 7:171) - St. Vincent de Paul - Lord, when I reflect on all you have done for me in the past and...

Reflections Quotes