Thanksgiving in the liturgy

Thanksgiving in the liturgy

From the Preface for Thanksgiving Day in the USA.. You have entrusted to us the great gift of freedom, a gift that calls forth responsibility and commitment to the truth that all have a fundamental dignity before you. In Jesus, through his Death and Resurrection, we...
Gratitude – a two-edged sword

Gratitude – a two-edged sword

A piece in the Harvard Business Review “We Could Be Better at Giving Thanks” points to a disconnect on gratitude… Although people say they want to be thanked more often at work, fewer than 50% of Americans polled for the John Templeton Foundation, a...
Thanksgiving … for everyday!

Thanksgiving … for everyday!

Visitors to this site from United States will be celebrating Thanksgiving Day Nov. 28, 2013. However, thanksgiving is a universal theme rather than just a holiday in one country.  This video, featuring Brother David, a highly-respected Benedictine monk, author and...
President Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation

President Lincoln’s Thanksgiving Proclamation

Proclamation of Thanksgiving BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed...