Connecting the head and the heart

Two seasoned spiritual directors in in conversation…. Sandra C. Smith and Susan Stabile, contirbutor to FamVin News, exchange ideas about connecting the head and the heart in spiritual companionship and living in this Spiritual Directors International YouTube...
Where was God in Newton, Connecticut

Where was God in Newton, Connecticut

Frequent famvin collaborator Susan Stabile asked in her personal blog “Where Was God Yesterday? Yesterday’s violence in Connecticut was horrific. Was anyone not in tears as the news poured in that so many young children had been shot? It was almost too difficult...

Christian (vs. Secular) Service of Others

Occasional famvin contributor, Susan Stabile,  offers perspective on this issue in her Creo en Dios post for today. “First, what we are about is God’s business, not ours. What we do, we do in cooperation with and in support of God’s desire for the world, not our...

“Let us be servants of the poor.”

St. Vincent gloried in the title “Servants of the Poor” as occasional famvin poster Susan Stabile reminds readers of her personal blog Creo en Dios. In these times of economic crisis she very simply connects the dots between Jesus, Vincent, the social...