What exactly makes a person happy?

What exactly makes a person happy?

Romereports.com  asks “What exactly makes a person happy? What’s does success really mean for a family, society or better yet, for an entire country? History proves that happiness is not directly related to money. So the question is how is happiness...

Pope: Don’t be “backseat Christians”

Watch Pope Francis as he speaks of “Back Seat Christians” “There are backseat Christians, right? Those who are well mannered and do everything well, but they don’t know how to bring others to the Church through proclamation and Apostolic zeal. Today...
Pope tweets for Life

Pope tweets for Life

Benedict XVI took a break from his regular tweets to take a stand in more controversial matters, and offer his support for theMarch for Life, which will take place on Friday, January 25 in Washington, D.C. Reaching out to his nearly 2.6 million followers, he...

Encountering modern saints via technology

The new technologies add a new dimension to the devotion of saints. From anywhere in the world, it becomes plausible to see them and learn what they’re like. It’s a new tool to aid the Church in the New Evangelization. Not too long ago, the only way to...

Gospel music in Vatican

RomeReports feature the annual Rome Gospel Festival in the heart of the Vatican.Their velvety voices harmoniously synchronized… never hiding their emotion… Above all, praising God and preaching his love… that’s Gospel music… And while it...