Pope “Surrounded by modern martyrs”

Pope “Surrounded by modern martyrs”

RomeReports  – “During the Angelus, Pope Francis talked about modern day martyrs. He explained that just like John the Baptist, defended truth before the powerful, Christians too need to speak out and do the same. He specifically called on young people to...

Pope ‘s unscripted comments

A verified summary of private comments by the Pope on a variety of sensitive issues is prompting increased media coverage. For the source texts that most commentary articles are referring to visit the following sites Whispers in the Loggia – influential source...

Pope’s sensitivity to migrants

In a powerful 1 minute video  John Klink, president of the International Catholic Migration Commission, talks to Catholic News Service about Pope Francis’ special awareness of migrants’ problems. Francis himself said “I have come from the ends of the...
Global, simultaneous Eucharistic Adoration

Global, simultaneous Eucharistic Adoration

Technology opened up a new experience of the universality of Church when millions around the world were able to join in Eucharistic adoration with Pope Francis. RomeReports writes. “It was five o clock in the afternoon in Rome, when the Eucharistic Adoration...