How Jorge chose Francis

Reuters reports in an article “Pope Francis wants Church to be poor, and for the poor”… “(The Pope) recalled how on Wednesday night, as he was receiving more and more votes in the conclave, the cardinal sitting next to him, Claudio Hummes...

Cardinal Bergoglio’s Lenten Letter, 2013

And rend your hearts, and not your garments, and turn to the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, patient and rich in mercy, and ready to repent of the evil. (Joel 2:13) Little by little we become accustomed to hearing and seeing, through the mass media,...

Jesuits on Pope Francis

From the IgnatianSolidarity Net… Clearly, as time moves forward there will be much to learn about Pope Francis, but for the time being we thought we would share a few quotes that represent the importance the social mission of the Church has played in his...

A Vincentian reaction to Francis

“We prayed.  The rain stopped.  There was a hush on the crowd.  The new Pope Francis came before us in answer to prayers.  A humble man who knows and has love for those in poverty and all of the faithful.  Praise be to God.” writes Lynn L’Heureux,...