Pope – take life as it comes

Pope Francis: Learning to take life as it comes, the good with the bad (Vatican Radio) When things go badly, we should not masquerade them. We should learn to have faith in God, and how to accept what happens in life, the good with the bad, always knowing that Christ...

The language of Francis … and Vincent

According to someone who knows him well,  the Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires, Francis’ actions reveal  five characteristics of Francis –  simplicity, approachability, continuity and fidelity to the Magisterium, tenderness and service. Those who know him...

The “Francis effect”

Deacon Greg Kendra writes in a guest post…. “It’s a phenomenon I know a lot of clergy have reported at their parishes: a dramatic uptick in Mass attendance over the last few weeks, and not just because of Easter. Is it the “Francis Effect”? Have you...

Pope preaching in metaphors

Metaphors did not come to Pope Francis with the papacy. As archbishop of Buenos Aires, he used similar figures of speech to get simple, yet powerful, ideas across to his listeners writes Carol Glatz in The CatholicSpirit. The following are some metaphors that appear...