Pope Francis in 4 minutes

In order to help Catholics around the world learn more about Jorge Mario Bergolgio, now Pope Francis, Cathnolic-link has worked together with Catholics from around the world produce this 4 minute video in 15 languages. See the video here:...
Pope “Surrounded by modern martyrs”

Pope “Surrounded by modern martyrs”

RomeReports  – “During the Angelus, Pope Francis talked about modern day martyrs. He explained that just like John the Baptist, defended truth before the powerful, Christians too need to speak out and do the same. He specifically called on young people to...
Pope Francis and leader of SVDP

Pope Francis and leader of SVDP

Meeting of his Holiness and Dr. Michael Thio, at the Cor Unum Council 13 June 2013 International SVDO site On 5 and 6 June 2013, the Holy Father convened the Pontifical Council Cor Unum to analyse the situation in Syria. Since March 2011, the churches there have been...

Following the words of Francis

FamVin visitors have asked about  ways of keeping up with the words of Pope Francis. The Vatican News Service provides a handy collection of highlights of the daily meditations of Pope Francis during his morning Mass in the Santa Marta Chapel from the reports by...

Pope ‘s unscripted comments

A verified summary of private comments by the Pope on a variety of sensitive issues is prompting increased media coverage. For the source texts that most commentary articles are referring to visit the following sites Whispers in the Loggia – influential source...